We are transforming cryptocurrency into a mainstream payment method by building a decentralized payment processing network that allows merchants across the globe to accept crypto payments in a simple, secure, and private way.


Colinear's network consists of payments servers (which can be run by trusted community members or merchants themselves) and full nodes (which are run by node operators). Payment servers generate payment intents on behalf of merchants, and send them to full nodes, which then scan the relevant blockchains to ensure that the user transactions are properly submitted to the mempool and confirmed on-chain. Full nodes then inform the payment servers when (or if) the intents have been completed, and the servers can emit a webhook to any API endpoint of the merchant's choosing.


Node operators are rewarded for processing payments through the minting of a governance token (CLR), which can be used for protocol governance votes. If the operators would not like to participate, they are able to simply liquidate their CLR tokens on an exchange so that others can buy them and participate. As CLR will have a set inflation rate to reward operators, protocol votes will burn CLR to keep the token supply in relative equilibrium.